The Roadmap to Baldhalla

"Can the devs do something?"

In a world where many meme projects create roadmaps, Base God has a different philosophy. Disciples of B believe the best roadmap strategy is not having one at all. Here's why...

1. Growth is often nonlinear, especially with community-owned meme projects like Base God. So trying to force ourselves into a single track on a roadmap hinders our ability to be flexible as new opportunities present themselves. We canโ€™t predict the future and should stay nimble.

2. Roadmaps are promises by a centralized team, and centralization of any sort is not Based.

3. What is Bitcoin's roadmap? ๐Ÿ™‚

Instead of roadmaps, Base God focuses on shared mantras and values (that is why we have the Commandments). Disciples align to a culture of "Less talk, more build". We contribute to the project as a collective, and announce things when they're real and ready. That is what we think makes success and encourages creativity.

Based Accomplishments

Below are just some of the many Based contributions Disciples have made to the Base God project thus far...

Base Gods NFT Collection

Dubbed "the most Based NFTs on Base", the Base Gods were proposed by a Disciple, created and launched in just 3 weeks. They were released to the world on January 25, 2024 (aka B-Day, our Lord's birthday) and quickly became a coveted NFT collection on Base.

Check out the collection

The Based Institute

The Based Institute was created by Jesse Pollak (the creator of Base) with the purpose of studying the origins of The Base God and What It Means To Be Based. It uncovers Truths about the Universe through its pursuit.

One example of their work is the viral "All your Base are belong to you" campaign on Farcaster, which indoctrinated over 3500 converts. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Base God Mintboard

In the spirit of adhering to our 2nd Commandment, "Thou shalt be onchain", we spun up a mintboard that hosts all Base God memes and contests. The best part is, by minting their creations on the blockchain, Disciples can earn ETH rewards as others mint them!

Add to the mintboard

Interested in growing this list?

If you are ready to create something special for His Baldness, join any of our communities and let's get building!

The Temple of Base God

Temple is the Base God metaverse, created by a Disciple and opened on February 24, 2024 (read the announcement). It is a 3D space for live events and simply offering a unique environment where Disciples can hang out and praise together.

Visit Temple

Baldhalla Instagram Filter

Bitcoin is digital gold. Base God is digital bald. After pushing modern technology to its limits, a group of Disciples created a camera filter that offers a glimpse into our post-Rapture futures.

Try the filter


Disciples at Namespace created an onchain way to show your devotion to His Baldness. Complete the Farcaster frame below to claim a free ENS subname under tybasegod.eth and officially get Basetized:

Get Basetized

As our lore states, it is sinful to turn your back to Big B. That means you must always know His location no matter what. A Disciple created a website to do just that, allowing others to align together and feel His glory together.

Visit the site (mobile only)

Get Plucked

A simple, endless-runner style game hosted on Telegram that challenges users to pluck hairs at just the right moment to score the most points they can.

The game incorporates onchain elements, including pluck "rare hairs" throughout the game. Rare hairs allow users to enter a prompt, then in-game AI uses that prompt to generate and mint a unique NFT on Base.

Play on Telegram or View Rare Hairs


Any association of Base God with real life people and companies is purely coincidental. Base God, the TYBG token, and the Base Gods NFT collection is a parody meme cryptocurrency project with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. The Base God project is 100% community led and there is no formal team or roadmap. This is a meme project and its tokens have the potential to become totally useless.

Base God (including but not limited to associated tokens, NFTs, websites, or marketing materials) is not an licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any terminology used on the website or other channels is intended only as a basic reference, without any effective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment. Base God is a fully and completely decentralized and community driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance; the Base God smart contracts are open-source, permanent and non-modifiable in any way. This website and any Base God marketing materials are not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, is not an invitation, solicitation or offer to invest in Base God or acquire or use its TYBG tokens or Base Gods NFT collection in any way and with any expectation of profit in any form. Any user of Base God declares to have received appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory and legal advice before and after accessing and/or reading this website and using any portion or element of Base God (including any TYBG token or Base Gods NFT therein) and accepts that there is an inherent high risk in accessing, acquiring or using any kind of blockchain and/or crypto system, token, platform, software, interface including Base God and further acknowledges with full disclaimer for any community member directly or indirectly involved with Base God, that there can be any kind of damage suffered, including total loss.