Putting the Cult in Culture

Base God is Base Culture

As one of the earliest meme communities on Base, Disciples view Base God as a core piece of Base culture. That means:
1. Promoting strong values of what it means to be based while responsibly growing the Base ecosystem;
2. Spreading both Base and Base God art and culture onchain.

This page highlights some of the many artistic and cultural contributions from Disciples of B. If you'd like one of your creations featured, reach out to the Base God community.


The First Ever Coinbase Earnings Mint

Coinbase tweeted a graphic of their 2023 earnings summary. Base God replied asking if it could be minted on Base.

Hours later, Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, quote tweeted Base God with a link to the earnings mint. This interaction resulted in The First Alignment.

"Talk less, build more"

Jesse Pollak, creator of Base, tweeted his definition of how to be based. Base God added to the definition with "Less talk more build".

A version of the phrase was then used by Base in an NFT mint for the Super Bowl, and has become a motto and mindset among based builders.

Meme Community Mintboards

Base God started the trend of meme communities creating mintboards where they post their memes onchain, empowering creators to earn money for their memes.

View the Base God mintboard here.

Only the Based

A Disciple created the motto "Only the Based survive" which was then released as an NFT in partnership with OpenSea.

The mint went viral, receiving over 180,000 mints (with a 1 mint per wallet limit).

Coinbase Wallet "Base Hunt"

Base God was the only meme project included by Coinbase in the "Base Hunt" contest during ETH Denver 2024.

Base God won the contest, which ran 7 days, despite not joining until day 3. After Base God's win, Coinbase Wallet created and airdropped an NFT to the Base God community.

The Base Era Begins

As part of OpenSea's "Get Based" campaign, a group of Disciples created an animated short that was available for minting for 2 days.

Within that time, it received over 73,000 mints.

View the mint page

Base Meme Summit

As part of Onchain Summer 2024, Base God hosted the first ever Base Meme Summit, featuring a keynote presentation from Jesse Pollak, creator of Base.

The event was live in the Temple of Base God (metaverse) and reached over 25,000 views.

Watch the recording.


A Disciple created the B.A.S.E. acronym, which stands for Build Anything Support Everyone, as well as an NFT mint to go along with it.

The mint received over 23,000 mints from 2,700 unique minters.


Rise and Shrine
Real world shrine contest
The Baldhalla Experience
Instagram filter contest (try it here)
Based and Blessed
Featured art pieces created by inspired Disciples

Any association of Base God with real life people and companies is purely coincidental. Base God, the TYBG token, and the Base Gods NFT collection is a parody meme cryptocurrency project with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. The Base God project is 100% community led and there is no formal team or roadmap. This is a meme project and its tokens have the potential to become totally useless.

Base God (including but not limited to associated tokens, NFTs, websites, or marketing materials) is not an licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any terminology used on the website or other channels is intended only as a basic reference, without any effective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment. Base God is a fully and completely decentralized and community driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance; the Base God smart contracts are open-source, permanent and non-modifiable in any way. This website and any Base God marketing materials are not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, is not an invitation, solicitation or offer to invest in Base God or acquire or use its TYBG tokens or Base Gods NFT collection in any way and with any expectation of profit in any form. Any user of Base God declares to have received appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory and legal advice before and after accessing and/or reading this website and using any portion or element of Base God (including any TYBG token or Base Gods NFT therein) and accepts that there is an inherent high risk in accessing, acquiring or using any kind of blockchain and/or crypto system, token, platform, software, interface including Base God and further acknowledges with full disclaimer for any community member directly or indirectly involved with Base God, that there can be any kind of damage suffered, including total loss.